View on the North of Paris from the Zamansky tower (Jussieu tower) |
This third weekend of September is the
European Heritage Days (in France the "
Journées du Patrimoine").
The "Journées du Patrimoine" started for the first time in France in 1984, launched by the Ministry of Culture ("La Journée Portes Ouvertes").
During these "Doors Open Days", each third weekend of September, you can visit places, monuments, gardens and sites which are not normally opened to the public.
Many places are opened, see the 2014 program
Some famous buildings attract a lot of people. For instance, you may have to queue in a line for six hours to go inside the Palace of Elysée (French Republic President's residency).
This year, the Zmansky tower, administrative central tower of the University of Jussieu, opens its last floor, and no lines! The entrance is free, and if you are in Paris and it is still time for you, you can go there this Sunday before 6:30 PM =>
http://www.journeesdupatrimoine.culture.fr/lieu/campus-jussieu-universit-pierre-et-marie-curie Metro station: JUSSIEU.
Look at what you can admire from this tower:
Looking towards the Bois de Vincennes (Eastern wood of Paris) Lock at the rock of the Zoo of Vincennes (artificial rock) |
By looking towards the west, look at the Latin quarter and the Montparnasse tower. The Panthéon, now in works, exposes the work of JR. |
Another view on the west of Paris. Watch the "rue des Ecoles" in the center of the Latin quarter, then the Invalides and the Eiffel tower |
Very close, the Island Saint Louis. Look at the statue of Sainte Genevieve, the Patroness of Paris (watching the east, in case Attila and the Huns come back... ; ) ) |
Look at how some Parisians enjoy the sun at the end of the Saint Louis Island |
Watch also on the south of the tower, very close, the hidden Roman Arenas of Lutèce (old Paris name). Look at the runners where you could see gladiators and wildcats at the time of the Romans. |
What a view! |
You can also visit the University itself during these Open Doors Days.
Funny to go back there 34 years after (my university)...